The Black Gestapo Rapidshare

The Black Gestapo Rapidshare Rating: 7,7/10 4663 reviews
  1. The Ss And The Gestapo
The black gestapo trailerGestapo

General Ahmed has started an inner-city People's Army to try and relieve the misery of the citizens of Watts. When the locals are put under increasing pressure by Mafia thugs, Ahmed's second-in-command Colonel Kojah asks for permission to start a protection squad to take more direct action. Ahmed fears this protection squad will just turn into a vigilante mob, and his prediction soon proves correct. Will Ahmed be able to wrest control back from the power-mad Kojah, or will he be the mob's next victim?

The Ss And The Gestapo

SynopsisAn interesting (if extremely violent) twist on the standard blaxploitation formula, this crime film deals with a black militant-group, led by Charles P. Robinson, whose members decide to clean up their Watts neighborhood by ridding it of white gangsters. Extreme mayhem follows, with slimy Caucasian hoodlums being castrated, shot, and flung from windows, but the black heroes begin overstepping their authority. Soon, they are no better than the mobsters and are even goose-stepping and chanting Nazi.

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